

Physician's Money Digest

February15 2005
Issue 3

Reading Room: J.K. Lasser's Your Income Tax 2005


Lasser's Your Income Tax 2005

It seems that every year there are amultitude of tax changes, and youalways find yourself struggling tostay on top of them all, which can be adaunting and frustrating task. Fortunately,as in previous years, (JohnWiley & Sons, Inc; 2004) sheds somelight on the most recent tax changes.

Whatever your tax question maybe, this useful text has a section to provideyou with an answer. Containingover 1000 tax-savings tips, the vastinformation given is easy to read and comprehend,detailing everything you need to resolve your taxquery. The table of contents breaks down every sectionof tax-related information imaginable, making iteffortless to find what you're looking for.

Thorough examples are offered on many of the differenttax situations, making them even simpler to follow.A host of tables and graphs are provided to helpyou determine exactly where youstand in regard to your taxes. There isalso an extensive amount of usefultips, reminders, cautions, instructions,and alerts provided next to the particularpiece of information you are lookingup. And the book contains severaluseful tax forms, such as the 1040EZ.

J.K. Lasser's Your Income Tax 2005

primarily focuses on income taxes, butit also goes into detail on laws concerningestate and gift taxes. Thesetaxes are commonly in a gray area,where drawbacks can turn a gift of good intention intoa muddled tax nightmare, but the book's helpful factsand advice should help to clear away the confusion.

Your Income Tax 2005

Whether you handle your own income tax returns,give tax advice, or just want to understand the complexweb that is tax law, willprovide you with virtually every answer and piece ofadvice you'll need.

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