

Physician's Money Digest

March15 2005
Issue 5

Drop That Luggage and Relax in the City


Traveling to New York City canbe a hassle, no matter howmuch the city's energy, charm,and sooty streets excite you.Fortunately for busy docs, there are servicesto lighten your travel load and takeyour downtime up a notch.

Wardrobe Functioning

One such helping hand is GardeRobe (212-255-3047;, a full-service storage facilitythat offers a unique and convenientwardrobe storage and valet-style servicefor business and leisure travelers whofrequent the Big Apple. "Imagine travelingto New York without packing orunpacking, lugging heavy baggage, orwaiting in overcrowded baggage claimareas," says Kim Akhtar, founder andCEO of Garde Robe. "Imagine arrivingat your hotel with the clothes, shoes,and accessories you selected already inthe closet, ready to wear."

Garde Robe picks up the items to bestored, discusses the traveler's individualneeds, and transports the items toits climate-controlled loft in midtownManhattan. All items are photographedand cataloged on a secure, customizedCyber Closet, which travelers can access24/7. Stored items are hung in garmentbags or wrapped in tissue and boxedwith care. To have items delivered on thenext visit, travelers simply access theirCyber Closets online and select thedesired items, delivery date, location,and time. The items are delivered inready-to-wear condition. At the end ofthe trip, items are retrieved, professionallycleaned, and stored. Rates start at$225 per month. Garde Robe shipsstored items anywhere in the world andalso offers personal shopping, packing,and seamstress and laundering services.

Extra Pampering

If you want help with more than justpacking, there are a handful of excellentconcierge services to make every aspectof life in the Big Apple easier. For specialtreatment, INsider (212-685-4113; offers the ultimate inlifestyle consulting. INsider meets withindividuals and assesses their specificneeds, whether it's coordinating travel,planning parties and entertainment,gift-giving, shipping artwork overseas,or just keeping everyday life together.The month-to-month retainer fee variesfrom $400 to $2000 per month, dependingon your needs.

INsider's sophisticated services getclients to the best of the best, from theelusive five-star midtown table, to invite-onlyHamptons golfing events, to A-listblack tie affairs, to last-minute flights. Inaddition to New York, INsider has a fewsmaller offices throughout the countryand can help busy doctors whereverthey are to free up their time—and fillup their calendars with pleasant activities.It's refreshing to know that if youaren't such a ruggedly independent cityexplorer, you can easily be connected tothe good life.

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