Physician's Money Digest
First comes love, then comes marriage,then comes 4 years in medicalschool. Sound familiar?
Physician's Money
Intimate Relationships in
Medical School: How to Make Them
Having a serious relationship whileyou're in medical school can be difficult.Thus, there's a need for a tome specifi-cally written for couples who strugglewith balancing study and intimacy. Inhis usual style, columnist Michael F. Myers,MD, brings struggling couples to life onthe written page and provides the readerwith valuable relationship advice inhis book, (2000; Sage Publications; $28.95).
The book, which is part of a seriescalled Surviving Medical School, can be avaluable resource for both the medicalstudent and resident. The 16 chaptersexplore a number of relationship-relatedissues, including communication, listening,physical intimacy, and time management.There's also information on how tofind a competent counselor or therapist aswell as suggestions for additional reading.
Intimate Relationships in
Medical School
Medical couples aren't immune tothe stress associated with higher learning.It's a balancing act many individualsneed help pulling off. Those whoneed help meeting the challenge willfind practical wisdom in the pages ofDr. Myers'.