

Physician's Money Digest

July 2006
Issue 7

Introducing the New and Improved Physician's MoneyWeb site

The Internet may be thegreatest personal financetool to be developedwithin the past century.So many of our physician-readers check the status of theirportfolios online, pay their bills electronically,or research pertinent topicslike insurance on the Web. For this reason,we have worked to revise andupdate our Web site to provide youwith one more online tool to help younavigate the world of personal finance.

By way of introduction to the manyuseful tools that are now available onour Web site, let me take you throughsome of the highlights.


We want you to think of this Website as your own personal financehome base, so we've created a privatefolder section known as My PMD,where you can store any of the articlesposted on the site for future reference.To set up your account, go to "MyPMD," click on "My Profile," and fillin the required information. Thenperuse the site to find an article thatinterests you. Click on the "Add to MyPMD" icon at the top of the article,and the article will be saved in yourown private folder. You can add anddelete articles whenever you please.

On the Pulse

Physician's Money Digest

You won't find any of these compellingnews bites on the pages of. Covering arange of personal finance and practicebuilding topics, these concise articleswill keep you up-to-date and in controlof your financial well-being.


You yearn to reread thatarticle on index funds in theApril issue, but your spousehas thrown away your copy.Fear not. The archive section ofour Web site has all of our pastissues spanning to 2003. Nexttime you see a great article inour magazine, go online, findit, and save it in your "MyPMD" folder.

Editor's Blog

Physician's Money Digest

One of my favorite duties in servingas editor of is speaking to physician-readers aboutthe magazine or just talking about personalfinance in general. This blog is away for me to extend our great conversationsonto the Internet. Click on the"Editor's Blog" box and read the latestblog entry or scroll down to see pastentries. Readers are always encouragedto participate in the conversation andpost a comment.


Being a physician himself, our editor-in-chief enjoys reading feedback fromour physician-readers. Respondto an Editor's Note, commenton an article, or just share yourexperiences investing or practicingmedicine. Your editor-in-chief is eager to hear whatyou have to say. Just click onthe "Send a Letter" icon in the"Letters" box or click insidethe "Letters" box to read thethoughts of your colleagues.


Physician's Money Digest

A truly innovative feature, our podcastsare digitally recorded articles orinterviews that you can download ontoyour MP3 player or listen to right fromyour computer. Hear what columnistslike Thomas R. Kosky have to say onretirement planning or listen to a featurestory read aloud. It is a whole new wayto enjoy the contents and insights offeredby . Toexperience this feature, go to the boxlabeled "Podcasts" and choose between"Expert Insights On-the-Go," which providesinterviews, or "Features On-the-Go," which provides an audio recordingof a recent feature article. And ifthere is a topic you would like to hearan interview on or an article you wouldlike to hear recorded, send us an e-mail.Our e-mail addresses can be found inthe "Contact Us" section, and we willbe happy to work on your request.

Expert Insights

Physician's Money Digest

has agreat number of financial experts contributeto its pages. In order for ourreaders to better utilize this excellentresource, we have created the "ExpertInsights" feature on the Web page inwhich readers can post a question andone of our experts will provide ananswer. Simply go to the "ExpertInsights" section, scroll to the bottomof the box and click on "Ask aQuestion." You'll be given a choice ofexperts to ask a question to. Once youchoose your expert, be sure to scroll tothe bottom of the page and fill in thequestion entry field.

Interactive Experience


Money Digest


Money Digest

We intend for our Web site to enhanceyour experience as a reader. Look for opportunitiesin the magazine to use the Website to further your knowledge of a certainstory or topic. For example,if you're a fan of ChandanSengupta's column, "The WiseInvestor," located on page 13,you will notice a sidebar postedon that page directing you to apodcast interview with him onthe topic of index funds. Therewill always be an opportunity to takeyour interaction with one step further I hope to hear fromyou there!

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