Oral JAK inhibitors and Their Use for Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis


Medical experts review the FDA-approved oral JAK inhibitors for atopic dermatitis (abrocitinib, upadacitinib), highlighting differences from conventional therapies, their appeal, and the criteria for recommending them based on disease severity and patient characteristics.

Video content above is prompted by the following:

  • Please review oral JAK inhibitors that are FDA approved for atopic dermatitis (AD) (abrocitinib, upadacitinib).
  • Are there any differences in the mechanism of action of FDA-approved JAK inhibitors compared with conventional therapies that are important for prescribers to know?
  • Why is treatment with oral JAK inhibitors an attractive option for AD?
  • At what point during a patient’s treatment journey would you recommend use of JAK inhibitors?
  • How does disease severity affect your recommendation?
  • In which patients would you consider using a JAK inhibitor? Please describe characteristics of an ideal patient for oral JAK inhibitor.
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