Praluent has been studied at a variety of levels and, now that it's been approved, there has been more insight on its benefits and risks.
Praluent has been studied at a variety of levels and, now that it's been approved, there has been more insight on its benefits and risks.
The outcome study for the PCSK9 inhibitor included more than 18,000 patients. Jay Edelberg, MD, PhD, of Sanofi, said that the results from that study have shown how beneficial the new treatment option can be in cholesterol control. Sheldon Koenig, also from Sanofi, said he hoped to see even more patients benefiting from Praluent in the next year and bringing their cholesterol levels to a healthier level.
When the American Heart Association held its annual scientific sessions in New Orleans, LA, it marked the first full year since Praluent's approval. There remains optimism that by the time the organization meets again next year in Atlanta, GA, even more progress will have been made.