Rheumatology Network PhotoQuiz Submission Guidelines

All case reports on Rheumatology Network are published in the form of quizzes. As an online-only publication, we are particularly interested in brevity and conciseness.An excellent example is “Woman With Sarcoidosis, Lymphoma, and Shoulder Pain” by Namas et al, which you can read at http://www.musculoskeletalnetwork.com/rheumatic-diseases/content/article /1145622/2135725. Note the high quality of the illustrations and the fact that the text uniquely demonstrates the importance of a particular clinical procedure.

All case reports on Rheumatology Network are published in the form of quizzes. As an online-only publication, we are particularly interested in brevity and conciseness.

An excellent example is “Woman With Sarcoidosis, Lymphoma, and Shoulder Pain” by Namas et al, which you can read at http://www.musculoskeletalnetwork.com/rheumatic-diseases/content/article /1145622/2135725. Note the high quality of the illustrations and the fact that the text uniquely demonstrates the importance of a particular clinical procedure.

Proposed PhotoQuiz case studies are submitted anonymously for peer review before a decision is made as to their acceptability for publication.

Text format

Please submit text via email as either a .doc, .docx, or .txt document. You may submit your case report either in traditional Abstract/Introduction/Case Description/Discussion format or you may make an effort to provide it as a quiz, in the format of the article above. In the former case, we will convert it to quiz format after acceptance and send you a draft for your approval and changes. Ideally the text should be no more than about 1,500 words.


Citations are encouraged. Please supply no more than about 20. Include hyperlinks to the abstract, preferably on the publisher’s website rather than as a URL from PubMed. Citations are offered in the following format:

Name1 AB, Name2 CD, Name3 EF et al. Title of article. Source (20XX) Vol#:pages 0001-0012.


Please submit images as separate files, whether or not you also embed them within a Microsoft Word  document. Clinical images, radiographs, CT or MRI images, and videos are acceptable forms of illustration. Please submit images as either .jpg or .gif files with a resolution of 72 dpi and a size of 800 pixels wide or higher.

Please email your proposal to editor@rheumatologynetwork.com

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