
Wanted: Telestroke Programs

A recent survey found discouraging statistics in regards to the use of telestroke programs.

A survey by the 60-member Regional Telestroke Initiative of rural hospitals located in the Pacific Northwest found that 88% of facilities that responded lacked access to a stroke neurologist who could come to the facility or be reached by phone or through a telemedicine system.

Although 64% of responding facilities are either developing or considering a telestroke program to link themselves with the necessary specialists, the current lack of access to these specialists can be blamed, at least in part, to low levels of patients obtaining the recommended treatment for strokes caused by blood clots.

Check out the latest two posts to our Mind Matters blog to learn more about the issue and what you can do to get started on implementing a telemedicine program in your practice.

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Stephanie Nahas, MD, MSEd | Credit: Jefferson Health
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