
Caitlyn Bahrenburg


Smoking Associated with Negative COPD Exacerbator Relationship

Researchers determined that no relationship existed between haptoglobin polymorphism and frequent exacerbator status, though a negative one existed between exacerbator status and current smoking habits.

Junichiro Hashimoto, MD


White-coat hypertension and progression to home hypertension

Our study aimed to clarify whether white-coat hypertension represents a transient state in the development of hypertension outside medical settings. We followed up 128 subjects with white-coat hypertension and compared their risk of progression to home hypertension with that of 649 sustained normotensive subjects. After 8 years of follow-up, subjects with white-coat hypertension had an approximately 3-fold higher risk of eventually manifesting home hypertension. We concluded that patients with white-coat hypertension should be carefully monitored.



The prognostic role of metabolic syndrome after myocardial infarction

We evaluated the prognostic role of metabolic syndrome after myocardial infarction and found that metabolic syndrome correlated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events and death. The risk of developing diabetes decreased with weight loss in patients with metabolic syndrome. These results indicate that a more aggressive approach to the treatment of patients with metabolic syndrome, particularly with regard to changes in lifestyle, would be beneficial.

Dawn Morton-Rias, EdD, PA-C


Physician Assistants: Growing in Number and Scope

The PA profession has grown nearly 54% in 7 years, particularly in specialties including surgery, emergency medicine, dermatology, and hospital medicine.

Abdullah Kutlar, MD, Augusta University


What’s Next and Final Thoughts in SCD

Experts look into what is next for sickle cell disease and provide key thoughts on the space.

Jamie T. Brogan, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC


Resources for Patients and Providers on Adalimumab Biosimilars

Expert providers in inflammatory diseases provide additional resources on biosimilars and adalimumab biosimilar for patients and providers.

Marc P. Bonaca, MD, MPH, University of Colorado School of Medicine


Cardiovascular Disease: Future Perspectives

Marc P. Bonaca, MD, MPH, of the University of Colorado School of Medicine, comments on the potential to personalize treatment with emerging therapies in the pipeline to better manage patients at high risk for cardiovascular disease in the future.

Steve Edelman, MD


Bridging the Gap for T1D Management

Expert endocrinologists provide final thoughts on addressing unmet needs and improving the management of T1D.

Iltefat Hamzavi, MD


Communication With Patients With Vitiligo

Iltefat Hamzavi, MD, explores key areas of patient communication that may shape adherence and outcomes in patients with vitiligo.

Stephen D Silberstein, MD, and William B Young, MD, Jefferson Headache Center


Lifestyle Change for Migraine Management: Practical Tips for the Neurologist and PCP, Part 2

Trigger avoidance-only strategies don’t actually help migraine patients improve. These are the proactive behaviors that do.

Eevar Benjamin Rossavik, DO


Water Safety and Drowning Prevention for Children

A variety of online drowning prevention resources can be accessed by parents and health care professionals, promoting safe swimming in the summer.

Jorge Plutzky, MD


Key Takeaways for Lipid Lowering in Hypercholesterolemia and ASCVD

Drs Erin Michos, Pam Taub, Robert Busch, Alison Bailey, and Jorge Plutzky offer key takeaways in the management of hypercholesterolemia and ASCVD.

Skylar Jeremias


FDA Grants Priority Review for Dapagliflozin

If approved, the treatment would be the first SGLT2 inhibitor for patients with chronic kidney disease.



Managing Insomnia: Practical Advice for Community Physicians

Closing their discussion on insomnia, panelists share final thoughts and advice for community physicians.

Neal Jain, MD


Key Takeaways on the Optimal Management of Atopic Dermatitis

Closing out their discussion on the management of atopic dermatitis, expert panelists share clinical pearls and key takeaways from their discussion.

Greg Mattingly, MD


Clinical Management of Anhedonia and Communication with Patients

Dr Andrew Cutler and Dr Greg Mattingly review current understanding of anhedonia. They discuss how clinicians can better evaluate it by effectively and candidly communicating with patients about anhedonia.

Michael Cameron, MD, FAAD


The Future of Plaque Psoriasis Treatment

Brad Glick, DO, MPH; Mona Shahriari, MD, FAAD; Michael Cameron, MD, FAAD; and Linda Stein Gold, MD, comment on the future of plaque psoriasis treatment and share clinical pearls on the management of plaque psoriasis.

Sara Horst, MD, MPH


Selecting CD Treatment in Special Scenarios

Experts in gastroenterology discuss treatment selection in special situations of CD, such as age, women considering pregnancy, and extra-intestinal manifestations.

Hanita Chhabra, MD


The Role of Esketamine in the Treatment of Treatment Resistant Depression

Hanita Chhabra, MD, highlights safety and efficacy data of esketamine and shares practical implications for clinical practice.

Tipu V. Khan, MD


The Future and Resources in HCV Care

Expert hepatologists discuss future developments in HCV that they are excited about and provide resources for new providers to get started on delivering HCV care.

Armand Butera


Topical Corticosteroids Recommended for the Treatment of PBT-Induced ARD

Proton beam therapy has been heavily adopted for treating patients with nasopharyngeal cancer, and a high incidence of severe ARD has been reported in this patient population.

Gina Mangin, MPAS, PA-C


Clinical Pearls for Providers Treating HS

Gina Mangin, MPAS, PA-C, shares take-home pearls with fellow healthcare providers, highlighting the importance of listening to the patient.

Garey H. Noritz, MD, Nationwide Children’s Hospital


Advice to Community Pediatricians Evaluating SMA

Closing thoughts on advice to community pediatricians evaluating a baby for spinal muscular atrophy (SMA).

Linda A. DiMeglio, MD


Bridging the Gap for T1D Management

Expert endocrinologists provide final thoughts on addressing unmet needs and improving the management of T1D.

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