
Yvonne L. Weideman, DNP, MBA, RN


Peristomal Ostomy Complications

The Duquesne University School of Nursing assistant professor and assistant dean shares guidance on stoma complication in patients with ostomy.

Catherine Joyce, MD, Frank J. Domino, MD


What is the Best Treatment for Acute Bronchitis?

Efficacy of anti-inflammatory or antibiotic treatment in patients with non-complicated acute bronchitis and discoloured sputum: randomised placebo controlled trial

Bhavesh Patel, CRA


Developing Long-Term and Effective Collaborations with Patient Advocacy Groups

When successful, these relationships provide valuable insights to support strategies in many areas, including planning for clinical research, patient recruitment and education, reimbursement, access, compliance, and other areas.

George Kim, MD


Clinical Decision Support: Information overload can be a prescription for bad medicine

The push for clinical decision support technology in medicine is a logical consequence of our experiences.

Soko Setoguchi, MD, DrPH: From the Division of Pharmacoepidemiology


Statins and cancer in the elderly

Recent observational studies have suggested that statins have a protective effect against cancer. However, long-term statin users were shown to be healthier, less frail, and more adherent to therapy and screenings. We conducted a cohort study to evaluate the effect of statins on several common cancers in a large elderly population.

Kenneth J. Mukamal, MD3: From the 1Julius Center for Health Sciences


Alcohol consumption in men with hypertension

We assessed the association between the incidence of coronary heart disease and alcohol consumption among hypertensive men enrolled in the Health "Professionals" Follow-Up Study. Moderate alcohol consumption (1 to 2 drinks per day) was associated with a lower risk of myocardial infarction, as in the general population, but was not associated with the risks of stroke, total mortality, or mortality from cardiovascular causes. These results show that men with hypertension who drink moderately may not need to change their drinking habits.

Edward Pullen, MD


Breakthroughs in Understanding PSVT Lead to New Treatments

Dr. Pullen discusses the clinical characteristics of PSVT, the tests used to diagnose this condition, and new treatment methods.

Margaret Stone, PhD1


Community cardiology clinics for secondary prevention of coronary heart disease and heart failure in primary care

Coronary heart disease (CHD) and chronic heart failure (CHF) are common chronic conditions encountered in primary care. Studies have shown that despite a strong evidence base, these conditions are often poorly diagnosed and inadequately managed in primary care.

Caroline Helwick


Epigenetics Will Someday Transform the Science of Brain and Behavior

Mark F. Mehler, MD, discussed how brain and behavior are becoming better understood through the emerging discipline of epigenetics.

Cheryl Lathrop


Team-Based Care Requires Collaboration, Communication, and Respect for the Contributions of all Team Members

The bias toward traditional care models is slowly eroding, with greater numbers of primary care providers (especially physicians) becoming aware of the advantages to a more collaborative approach to care that invites greater contributions from NPs, PAs, and other providers.

Sean Johnson


Facebook Launches Suicide Prevention Initiative

The social networking behemoth today announced the launch of a program initiative that aims to instantly aid users who are expressing suicidal thoughts.

Richard J. Katz, MD


Multislice CT angiography for the diagnosis of coronary artery disease: Are we there yet?

Despite advances in cardiac testing, noninvasive methodologies remain limited in their accuracy to (1) determine the etiology of chest pain; (2) detect preclinical coronary artery disease; and (3) track the progression of atherosclerotic lesions in native and revascularized coronary vessels.

Nosheen Javed, MD, is a cardiovascular disease fellow, Western Pennsylvania Hospital, Pittsburgh.


Alcohol consumption and cardiovascular risk

We generally assume that having a good time must be bad for you,and no one would deny that irresponsible alcohol consumption takes a tremendous economic, social, and health-related toll on diverse populations all around the globe.

Kenneth Bender


Anemia Prevalence Greater in Mexican Patients on Hemodialyis

Prevalence of anemia in patients with chronic kidney disease on hemodialysis found higher in Mexico than studied populations, with similar contributing factors.

Ronald E. Aubert, PhD, MSPH


Is There a Relationship between Early Statin Compliance and a Reduction in Healthcare Utilization?

Compliance with statin therapy in the first two years of use may reduce hospitalization rates and direct medical costs in the subsequent year.

Raúl A. Schwartzman, MD


Management of multivessel CAD in ACS patients: Do not leave for later what you can finish today

Although multivessel coronary artery disease (CAD) is commonly encountered in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS), no randomized controlled trials have evaluated the effi cacy of singlevessel percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) versus multivessel PCI.

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