Aleksandra Rachitskaya from Cole Eye Institute: ARGUS II Provides Hope of New Vision for Patients
For patients with retinitis pigmentosa the loss of vision can be a difficult consequence of the condition. An implanted device may not give them back the sight they once had but it can provide a chance to see the world around them in a new way.
Aleksandra Rachitskaya: New Technologies Provide Hope for Visually Impaired Patients
As technology improves across the medical spectrum new devices, including implants, are providing help for patients who just a few years ago may not have had any treatment options available.
Good Vision in One Eye Could Help Prevent Sleep Problems in AMD
August 12th 2016Researchers set out to see how prevalent sleep problems are in people with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) at the 34th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Society of Retina Specialists (ASRS 2016) in San Francisco, California.
Does Telemedicine Work for Diabetic Retinopathy Screening?
August 12th 2016In a poster presentation at the 34th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Society of Retina Specialists (ASRS 2016) in San Francisco, California, researchers looked at how patients responded to telemedicine in ophthalmology.
Referral Rates Are Hurting People at Risk for Vision-Threatening Diabetic Retinopathy
August 11th 2016Despite established criteria for patients at risk for vision-threatening diabetic retinopathy from the United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS), referral rates don’t reflect the number of people who should visit optometrists, ophthalmologists, and retina specialists.