

Physician's Money Digest

August 2005
Issue 12

Taming a Tiger

Many physicians depend on their personalcomputers (PCs) to organize theirfinances and research their investingstrategies, so choosing a computer systemis akin to choosing your personal financeweapon. If you're thinking of purchasinga new computer, you will still have toanswer the age-old question: PC or Mac?A good percentage of casual users go witha PC simply based on familiarity. Apple isstill fighting the good fight to take a largerchunk of the industry, and their lateststep is a new operating system that combinessuperior functionality with anenhanced presentation that should pleaseboth the casual user and the savvy alike.Dubbed "Tiger," the operating systemattempts to go a step beyond what is currentlyavailable on PCs while getting a bigjump on the next edition of MicrosoftWindows, due out late next year. AmongTiger's signature features is Spotlight, afile searching technology that finds whatyou're looking for on your hard drivewith blazing speed and accuracy. WhileTiger may not be the absolute catalyst forchoosing a Mac over a PC, it certainlymakes Mac more appealing.

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