Fibromyalgia: Symptoms and Causes


A key opinion leader delivers a comprehensive overview of fibromyalgia, highlighting its primary symptoms and distinguishing features from other chronic pain conditions.

Video content above is prompted by the following:

  • Can you explain what fibromyalgia is, its primary symptoms, and how it differs from other chronic pain conditions?
    • Which symptoms do patients typically find most burdensome or disruptive in their daily lives?
    • What are some common conditions that often coexist with fibromyalgia?
  • The exact cause of fibromyalgia is still unknown. Could you discuss the leading theories regarding its development, particularly the role of genetics, infections, and trauma?
    • What are additional risk factors for fibromyalgia?
Recent Videos
Jonathan Barratt, MD | Credit: IgA Nephropathy Foundation
Wendy Wright, DNP, an expert on fibromyalgia
Ahmad Masri, MD, MS | Credit: Oregon Health and Science University
Siddharth Patel, MD, MPH | Credit: TIMI Study Group
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