
2PharmacistCARE, 3Department of Pharma


Alogliptin: The newest agent to fight the diabetes pandemic

According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), 23.6 million children and adults have diabetes (8% of the US population) and another 5.7 million cases remain undiagnosed. Epidemiologists predict that these statistics will double by 2030, further taxing the healthcare system. Medical expenditures are approximately 2.3 times higher for diabetic versus nondiabetic patients, and the annual cost of diabetes is estimated to be $116 billion.

Krista Rossi & Kevin Kunzmann


Going South: The Toll of Smoking on Kentucky & West Virginia

Tobacco farm region physicians face the challenges of culture, law, and education in improving cessation.

William E. Boden, MD, FACC, FAHA


Shifting the Diagnostic Paradigm: A Novel Diagnostic Approach for Evaluating Suspected Coronary Artery Disease

It's time to redirect the initial evaluation of low- to intermediate-risk patients presenting with symptoms suggestive of CAD back to the primary care and internal medicine setting.

Tiffany Taft, PsyD


The Role of Stigma in Irritable Bowel Syndrome

The stigma attached to chronic diseases such as IBS has been shown to negatively affect patients' self-image and sense of worth, leading to worse outcomes. Being aware of this and working to counteract the psychological effects of stigma can improve the patient-physician relationship and lead to better outcomes.

Armin Weinberg, PhD, Professor and Director,


Clinical Trial Disparities: A Case for Diversity

The challenge of eliminating disparities in clinical trials is being addressed by the Eliminating Disparities in Clinical Trials (EDICT) project, which recognizes that broadening diversity in clinical trials will result in improved effectiveness and safety of future medicines, improved trial quality, and reduced discrepancies in health equity.

director, Electrophysiology Service, Division of Cardiology, Stony Brook University Medical Center, Stony Brook, NY.


Prevention of postoperative atrial fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is common after cardiac surgery, occurring in 11% to 40% of patients after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG)1-8 and in more than 50% of patients after valvular heart surgery.

Todd Kunkler


Latest News and Updates on C. Difficile Infection Management and Treatment

We present a round-up of recent news, trial results, and other developments for infectious disease experts and other physicians who treat patients with C. difficile infection.

Andrew Smith


Using PCSK9 Inhibitors to Reduce Major Cardiovascular Outcomes

Researchers have been investigating whether PCSK9 inhibitors can protect other patients at high risk for a cardiovascular event.

Warren Marks, MD


A Stimulating Topic

Thanks to new technologies, children are receiving state-of-the-art neurological care at Cook Children's Medical Center.

Cardiomyopathy Program, Stony Brook University Health Sciences Center, Stony Brook, New York.


The cost of failure

When considering the article by Goldberg and colleagues, it seems reasonable to request a change in the title to "Survival after the diagnosis of  heart failure."

MDS International Foundation


Pediatric MDS Update with Dr. Inga Hofmann Zhang

Dr. Inga Hofman Zhang from the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine provides an update on treating MDS in children.

Ryan Black


Migraine Prevention Moves Into Focus With New Clinical Trials

Studies offer hope that CGRP antibodies will lead to better treatment for disabling headaches.

3Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences


How do cardiac and noncardiac conditions affect survival after ICD implantation?

The benefits of implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs) have been shown in randomized clinical trials. The factors that affect the risk–benefit ratio in a community setting, however, have not been evaluated.

Ravneet Magi, MD


Understanding, Valuing The Medical Journey to Weight Loss

The paradigm of obesity is complex and requires a multi-disciplinary approach, but it is one of the most gratifying experiences for both the physicians and patient when they see the results of weight loss.

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