Getting Kids Off the Couch Just One Part of Obesity Battle
The days of sitting in front of the television with an Atari controller or driving Mario around on his cart are largely over but even the more interactive video games do not do enough to keep this generation of children healthy.
Pediatric Hematologists and Working Through Diseases
When working with young patients diagnosed with difficult diseases it can be a challenge to help them and their families work through the treatment process ahead of them, but it is a process that can be successful as a team.
Diagnosis and Management of Pediatric Amplified Musculoskeletal Pain
October 13th 2014Knowledgeable practitioners can effectively discuss pathophysiology and treatment strategies for amplified pain with patients and prescribe a treatment approach that does not require drug therapy for pain or sleep aids.
Computerized Surveillance System Quickly Detects Disease Outbreaks among Preschoolers
October 12th 2014Online system that allows preschools and child care centers to report illnesses to local public health departments could improve the detection of disease outbreaks and allow resources to be mobilized more quickly.
AAP 2011: The Impact of Alcohol on Adolescents
"The biggest issue is that alcohol and drug use are the leading causes of death in 15-24-year-olds in the US," said Dr. Patricia Kokotailo who talked about "Prescription Drugs and New Drugs of Abuse: Continuing Issues for Adolescents."
AAP 2011: Speaking with Dr. Natasha Gerbert [Video]
One of the great thing about covering a medical conference is being able to interact with physicians and thought leaders about the hot topics in their specialty. In this video, Natasha Bergert, MD, a pediatrician from Kansas City, MO, discusses her experience at this year's AAP conference.
AAP 2011: Discussing America's Anti-vaccine Movement
Stop me if you've heard this before: vaccines are controversial. However, there is one place where there is no controversy at all-that place is in downtown Boston at a Convention Center where the American Academy of Pediatrics is gathering.