Marianne Goodman: Working to Prevent Suicide in Borderline Personality Disorder
As with many psychiatric conditions suicide is a concern for patients with borderline personality disorder. What doctors can do to prevent their patients from this can make the difference between life and death.
Marianne Goodman from the Icahn School of Medicine: What Is Borderline Personality Disorder?
For people who may not know what borderline personality disorder is or have questions about what can be done to help these patients a new effort is being made to raise awareness about this difficult condition.
Electroconvulsive Therapy Could Reduce Vets' Suicides, Depresssion
Electroconvulsive therapy could be an effective tool in reducing veterans' severe depression and suicides, a panel said. Kitty Dukakis, the wife of former Gov. Michael Dukakis and an advocate for ECT, was a panelist,
Mary Giliberti from NAMI: Working to Make Mental Health a 'Casserole Illness'
Talking about mental health conditions may be easier than it was a few years ago but the stigma still exists in many parts of the population. The National Alliance on Mental Illness is working to overcome that issue on a variety of fronts.
David Nicholson from Allergan: Cariprazine Aims to Further Antipsychotic Market for Mental Health
Allergan has made a name for itself in the treatment of many neurological and mental health conditions and continues to grow its portfolio. One of its newest offerings is cariprazine which they hope will be a powerful tool in the antipsychotic area.