Migraine Raises Risk of Hypertension during Pregnancy
New research suggests that migraine is a risk factor for hypertensive disorders during pregnancy, including gestational hypertension and preeclampsia.
Chronic Back Pain Treatment
This minimally invasive procedure employs two small cuts rather than a long incision before fusing two vertebra together.
Acute Low Back Pain
Most causes of back pain are benign, but it is important to look for red flags for more worrisome causes of back pain.
Low Back Pain Animation
This video animation explains the difference between compressive and mechanical back pain. Different types of low back pain require different treatments.
New Guidelines for Low Back Pain
The ACP, the nation's largest medical specialty organization, and the APS have issued joint guidelines for treating and diagnosing low back pain.
Prostate Cancer with Bone Metastasis
This video reviews the complication of bone metastases in patients with prostate cancer.
Metastatic Bone Cancer: How it Occurs and Treatment Options
Dr. Richard Schmidt discusses metastatic bone cancer, which can develop when primary cancer spreads through the blood stream to the bone.
How to Treat Osteoarthritis Symptoms: Exercising Tips
Dr. Susan Jewell speaks about using exercise for Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis in this free medical treatment video.
Blacks Experience Hip Osteoarthritis as Frequently as Whites
Dr. Joanne Jordan, director, Thurston Arthritis Research Center at UNC, has found that blacks are not protected from osteoarthritis of the hip as once thought.
Osteoarthritis in the Tibiofemoral Joint
Dr. Casey Kerrigan, Chair of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at UVA Health System, discusses osteoarthritis in the tibiofemoral joint and knee varus torque
Do Young Women Develop Osteoarthritis?
Osteoarthritis: An Educational Video
This video will explain the causes of osteoarthritis and the different treatment options available to treated it.
Gout: Most Important Points To Remember
Duke Discovery Yields Potential New Treatment for Gout
A new gout treatment can normalize levels of uric acid in the blood within hours in patients who have failed to respond to any other treatments.
Symptoms of Gout
Fibromyalgia Is Not a Rheumatologic Disease Anymore
George Griffing, MD, Professor of Medicine at St. Louis University, discusses new insights and therapies on the horizon for fibryomyalgia.
Dr Dan Speaks on Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome are linked by a viral etiology.
Aggressive Cholesterol Lowering Therapy May Reverse Atherosclerosis
Intensive treatment to LDL-C reduces CIMT in patients with type 2 diabetes, according to a secondary analysis from the SANDS trial.
Nicotinic Acid Cuts Atherosclerosis in Statin-treated Patients
Nicotinic acid therapy significantly reduces carotid wall area.
Overview of Atherosclerosis
Dr. Carlo Di Mario discusses atherosclerosis, plaque which accumulates in the heart and blocks arteries, causing decreased blood flow, which causes chest pain.
Animation: Heart Attack Due to Atherosclerosis
Artery Explorer: the Movie
Take a journey to see how risk factors like high cholesterol, smoking, and hypertension can help contribute to the buildup of plaque in arteries.
Mending Your Aching Heart: A Closer Look at Heart Treatments
Breakthrough Pain or Episodic Pain
Opioid-induced Constipation - A Doctor's View
Relistor Injection for Treatment of Opioid-Induced Constipation
Reducing Pain for Those in Palliative Care
Interview with SRSsoft CEO Evan Steele
Evan Steele, CEO of SRSsoft, discuses his company's EMR.
Physician Adoption of EMR Software
Hyponatremia in Heart Failure: Current Concepts and Future Directions
Mihai Gheorghiade, MD, discusses the relationship between acute heart failure and hyponatremia.