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Alvin Wells, MD, PhD: Making Informed Treatment Decisions With New Testing Strategies
Alvin Wells, MD, PhD: Informing Treatment Strategy for Rheumatic Disease With PrismRA

September 11th 2024

Wells discussed the PrismRA blood test, which may benefit planning treatment regimens for patients with rheumatic disease.

Lifetime Statin Therapy Cost-Effective, Improves Senior Health Outcomes | Image Credit: University of Oxford
Lifetime Statin Therapy Cost-Effective, Improves Senior Health Outcomes

September 10th 2024

Study Reaffirms Efficacy of Baricitinib Treatment for Patients with Alopecia Areata
Study Reaffirms Efficacy of Baricitinib Treatment for Patients with Alopecia Areata

September 10th 2024

Mirtazapine Fails to Ease Breathlessness in New Study Despite Previous Hopes
Mirtazapine Fails to Ease Breathlessness in New Study Despite Previous Hopes

September 10th 2024

Brian Lacy, MD, PhD | Credit: Mayo Clinic
Patients with IBS Report Treatment Dissatisfaction, Lack of Symptom Control

September 10th 2024

Don’t Miss a Beat
Diabetes Dialogue
New Insight with Dr. Veeral Sheth
Crisis Point

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Mirtazapine Fails to Ease Breathlessness in New Study Despite Previous Hopes
Mirtazapine Fails to Ease Breathlessness in New Study Despite Previous Hopes

September 10th 2024

Deepak Bhatt, MD, MPH, MBA | Credit: Mount Sinai Heart
Deepak Bhatt, MD, MPH, MBA: SGLT2 Offers Kidney Protective Benefit in Post-MI Population

September 10th 2024

Stock image of a woman experiencing chest pain. | Credit: Fotolia
Study Finds Traditional Risk Scores Miss Most Patients at Risk of First Heart Attack

September 9th 2024

Deepak Bhatt, MD, MPH, MBA | Credit: Mount Sinai Heart
ESC Congress Recap: High-Impact Clinical Trials, with Deepak Bhatt, MD, MPH, MBA

September 5th 2024

Video Series
Video Interviews
New Insight: A Look at Corneal Transplant Alternatives w/ John Sheets, PhD | Image Credit: HCPLive
Discussing Use of Vaping Among Students, Conversations About Vaccines
Default thumbnail for Diabetes Dialogue, featuring podcast logo and headshots of hosts.
Allergies and Asthma During the School Year, with S. Christy Sadeameli, MD, and Juanita Mora, MD
Default thumbnail for Diabetes Dialogue, featuring podcast logo and headshots of hosts.
Back-to-School Asthma and Lung Health with Juanita Mora, MD and S. Christy Sadreameli, MD
Muthiah Vaduganathan, MD, MPH | Credit: Brigham and Women's Hospital
Default thumbnail for Diabetes Dialogue, featuring podcast logo and headshots of hosts.

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