On the HCPLive news page, resources on the topics of disease- and specialty-specific medical news and expert insight can be found. Content includes articles, interviews, videos, podcasts, and breaking news on health care research, treatment, and drug development.
Tina Walch from Northwell Health: Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Goes Beyond Postpartum Depression
For new mothers postpartum depression is a becoming a more common diagnosis. Recent research has shown that depression and anxiety can be a real concern before, during, and after pregnancy.
Pre-Exposure Treatment for Hepatitis C?
The concept of pre-exposure prophylaxis to prevent HIV infection is well established. In an editorial in Hepatology, and Australian researcher proposes extending the concept to people at high risk for getting hepatitis C: HIV-infected men who have sex with men.
Genetic Difference May Affect Drug Response in Hepatitis C
A genetic various appears to play a role in which patients are cured of hepatitis C infection, according to researchers who looked at patients treated with interferon plus ribavirin. The next question is whether that difference might play a role in response to direct-acting antivirals as well.
Atopic Dermatitis: Immunotherapy Can Be Effective
October 10th 2016Severe atopic dermatitis (AD) symptoms of shorter duration were more likely to improve in allergen sensitized patients receiving desensitizing immunotherapy, than severe symptoms of longer duration or more moderate symptoms, according to a new observational cohort study.
Stroke: Early Doses of Novel Anticoagulants Pose No Additional Hemorrhage Risk
After an ischemic stroke, oral anti-coagulants reduce the risk of recurrence, but does giving these drugs early increase the risk of intracranial bleeding? A study found such early dosing does not appear to add to the chances of such a hemorrhage.
Resvega Improved Retinal Structure, Stabilized Visual Acuity in Neovascular AMD Case Study
In an 84-year-old woman with AMD and acute deterioration in vision, the oral antioxidant supplement Resvega led to regression of subretinal fluid and eliminated the need for intravitreal injection of an anti-VEGF agent over the course of 9 months.
An optical coherence tomography study found that, after three monthly treatments,aAflibercept was 7 times more effective than ranibizumab in resolving serous pigment epithelium detachment, though neither treatment improved visual acuity in these patients to a statistically significant degree.
Children with “Hard-to-Control†Asthma Require Specific, Tailored Treatment
Using data from the Inner City Asthma Consortium, researchers from the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago were able to distinguish asthmatic children by the degree to which their condition could be controlled, and to make recommendations for more difficult cases.
Hep C: Australia Provides DAA's in Program to Eradicate Virus
Fewer than a quarter of people living with diagnosed hepatitis C infection in Australia as ov December 2015 had ever received treatment. But the arrival of direct-acting antivirals on Australia's Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme has changed that.
Liver Transplant Candidates More Sedentary than Doctors Notice
Patients who become frail while awaiting a liver transplant become less likely to survive. A Pittsburgh team found that physicians treating these patients often get over-optimistic assessments of how active patients are when they rely on the patients' accounts.
Tissue Plasminogen Activator Yields Results for Wet AMD-Related Thick Subfoveal Hemorrhage
Vitrectomy plus subretinal injection of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) reduced scar area moreso than pneumatic displacement plus intravitreal injection of tPA. Visual acuity improved noticeably after both of these treatments, but not after treatment with pneumatic displacement alone.
End-Stage Renal Disease Elevates Risk of Macular Degeneration
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) was 72% more likely to develop in end-stage renal disease patients than in control subjects and 74% more likely to develop in peritoneal dialysis patients than in hemodialysis patients.
Vaccination Opt-Outs Have Declined in Many US States
Whether it was last year's measles outbreaks or more restrictive state policies, the rate of kindergartners getting vaccinated was over 95% in 22 states for the 2015-2016 school year. Last year only 17 states reached that mark.
Thomas Kosten from Baylor College of Medicine: Developing Vaccines for Drug Abuse No Easy Task
For close to two decades researchers have been working to develop vaccines to prevent people from health hazards like smoking and drug use. Despite these efforts work remains to find ways to make these effective for a large number of people at risk.
In Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration, Lucentis and Eylea Yield Similar Injection Burden
After 12 months of follow-up, a Japanese team found a trend toward greater BCVA improvement in the Eylea group than in the Lucentis group but no statistically significant differences between groups in BCVA or central foveal thickness.
Which Patients with Atopic Dermatitis Are Least Likely to Outgrow It?
October 6th 2016Childhood atopic dermatitis (AD) usually resolves before adulthood, a meta-analysis of cases showed. Those patients who did see their AD persist were more likely to be female, to have been older at onset, and to have relatively severe AD.
Detecting AFib in Stroke Patients With Large or Small Vessel Disease
The aim of the present meta-analysis was “to estimate the yield of AF detection in patients with stroke due to small and large vessel disease and in stroke patients in whom stroke etiology was not defined,†say the researchers.