The HCPLive conference coverage page features articles, videos, and expert-led live coverage from major medical meetings throughout the year.
AMA: Lacrosse Helmets Common Sense
A flying lacrosse ball weighs more than 5 lbs and goes about 60 mph in the girls' version of the sport. Despite objections that there have been no definitive studies showing wearing headgear protects players, the AMA wants sports authorities to require girls teams to wear helmets.
AMA Tackles Gun Violence, Physician Free Speech
June 9th 2015The American Medical Association's House of Delegates discussed the collision of physicians' free speech rights with patients' rights to privacy Monday. They also weighed whether to support universal background checks for gun purchases and distributing NRA gun safety literature to patients.
Docs Honor, Mourn Slain Surgeon
The violent death of Boston, MA cardiac surgeon Michael Davidson Jan. 20 was much on the minds of physicians at the AMA's meeting in Chicago. Davidson was honored in a memorial and the delegates resolved to lobby for ways to protect physicians from such assaults.
No Benefit in Cardiovascular Outcomes for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Treated with Lixisenatide
June 9th 2015Although patients with diabetes who were at high risk for cardiovascular events did not benefit from treatment with lixisenatide, results from the ELIXA study showed that the drug is safe in this population.
Cannabis Docs Need Immunity, AMA Says
Despite assurances from the Obama administration that physicians who provide marijuana to patients for therapeutic use in states where that is legal will not face federal prosecution, the AMA is calling for a law. They want an ironclad guarantee these doctors will have legal immunity.
AMA Takes Tough Stance on Vaccinations
In what could be a tough political fight, members of the American Medical Association's House of Delegates today passed a resolution authorizing a campaign to get all states to ban philosophical and religious beliefs as grounds for opting out of routine vaccinations. Only medical exemptions should be allowed, the delgates agreed.