Kia Shahlaie: Surgery Can Help Movement Disorders Beyond Medicine
As new medications have been approved for movement disorders like Parkinson's Disease many patients have been able to better manage their symptoms. When that is not enough newer surgical options have also been developed in recent years.
Kathleen Tong: Looking at the Future of Heart Failure Treatment
From the ventricular assist device and beyond the treatment of heart failure has made a considerable number of advancements. Even small steps like longer battery life and smaller devices can make a big difference in a patient's daily life going
Kathleen Tong from UC Davis Health System: Defining Heart Failure and Looking at Treatment Today
Patients diagnosed with heart failure are living longer and with a higher quality of life than ever before. These advancements have come as a result of a considerable amount of work with much more work to be done going forward.
Uma Srivatsa from UC Davis Health System: Electrophysiology and its Role in Atrial Fibrillation Care
Patients diagnosed with atrial fibrillation will often need treatment extending over a long period of time. In many cases ablation can be the best way to manage their symptoms requiring the work of an electrophysiologist.
Charles DeCarli from UC Davis Health System: New Tests Provide Insight Into Alzheimer's Diagnosis
It was not very long ago that the only way to accurately diagnose Alzheimer's disease was after a patient had died. Since that time, a lot has been learned about the disease and other forms of dementia.
Misty Humphries: Getting Help From Military Medicine and the Future of Patient Care
As more is learned from the battlefield about limb salvage and prosthetics those lessons can be applied in civilian care. This is particularly true for conditions like peripheral artery disease.
Misty Humphries: Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease and Talking About Amputation
If peripheral artery disease is not caught soon enough patients risk losing toes, feet, or legs to amputation. Going from the beginning of the treatment process through potential amputation is a delicate balancing act for doctors.
Andrea Derlet from UC Davis: Team Approach Provides Benefits in Multiple Sclerosis Patient Care
Treating a complicated condition like multiple sclerosis can require help from a variety of people in order to provide patients the best care possible. At UC Davis this approach includes a pharmacist on the clinic floor who can also help patients after hours.
Andrea Derlet from UC Davis: Benefits of a Pharmacist on Patient Care and Adherence
For patients diagnosed with multiple sclerosis managing their prescriptions and finding the ones that work best can be a difficult process. With the help of a pharmacist on staff that process can be a little easier for many reasons.
Low Vitamin D among the Elderly Is Associated with Significant Decline in Cognition, Dementia
Vitamin D insufficiency among the elderly is highly correlated with accelerated cognitive decline and impaired performance, particularly in domains such as memory loss that are associated with Alzheimer's disease and dementia.